Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer Callbacks or Easter Eggs!

2 years ago

The Season 3 trailer for Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 3 is now here and we have a lot to unpack. While this is New Star Wars, there is quite a bit for fans of Return of the Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, and The Phantom Menace! Below are timestamps to things we noticed and thought were noteworthy!

View the trailer at

After the destruction of the Razor Crest Mando is still flying the Naboo N-1 Starfighter he acquired in Season 2. Din Djarin's N-1 starfighter first appeared in Season 2, Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

We see a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard from the planet Kowak. We previously saw these creatures, or at least one, in Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi. That creature, Salacious B Crumb, was a sort of Jester for Jabba the Hutt

50-seconds: R5-D4
Luke Skywalker called him "Red" when Uncle Owen originally bought him from the Jawas on Tatooine, R5-D4 was an astromech droid. He served a master in Mos Espa on Tatooine twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin and was traveling the streets when Anakin Skywalker returned to Tatooine.

Previously seen in the Mandalorian:
Season 1, Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
Season 2 Chapter 9: The Marshal
Season 2 Chapter 10: The Passenger"

There is a speeder over what appears to be Coruscant featuring Dr. Pershing, who played a major role in the first 2 seasons. The Din Djarin confronted Pershing who begged for his and the child's life, causing Djarin to spare the scientist and leave with the infant. Pershing then betrayed Gideon and offered his master's enemies valuable intel that allowed them to successfully infiltrate Gideon's light cruiser and rescue Grogu.

This is Carson Teva, the same X-Wing Pilot who confronted Din Djarin over Tatooine when Mando was test piloting the N-1 StarFighter.

1:10 -
One of the most formidable ships of the Empire returns, that is the TIE/IN Interceptor. First appearing in the movies during the Battle of Endor, this Sienar Fleet Systems ship was designed to be a direct response to the Rebel Alliance's faster ships, including the A-Wing. While not as fast, the 4 laser canons on the wingtips and advanced maneuverability made it a formidable ship in combat.

1:23 -
2 Anzellans
Some of the finest engineers in the galaxy, we were introduced to this species in The Rise of Skywalker and Babu Frick.

What other things did you find in the Mandalorian Season 3 trailer? Are you looking forward to the new season starting March 1st on Disney+? Let us know in the comments! After all, This is the way.

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