How to prevent the flu viral infection! - ¡Cómo prevenir la infección viral de la gripe!

1 year ago

There are many ways you can get the flu.
When you are in a warm room and step out where the weather is cold will be easy to get the flu because the extreme weather change will help to produce an infection in your lungs. Also I learned that if you go out on the night time, your will breathe the dew getting into your lungs, by little this humidity will increase the chances ending up in hospital with a pneumonia.

The other possibility is related to what you eat.
Eating junk food, meat, or processed food will stay in your intestines for a long time.
If this happens, you can run the risk that this food will get stuck in the intestine walls producing an infection, making the toxic fumes rise to your throat through the esophagus, so you will feel a kind of itchy in your throat to make you cough. All these symptoms mean you have a problem in your intestines, and the solution is to clean it with the help of a laxative or do a colonic treatment.

To protect yourself and be prepared for next winter, you should take something like Kyolic-concentrated garlic (this is if you are not allergic to garlic in any form). I can guarantee you will never catch the flu again! It is odorless, so you shouldn’t be worry when talking to people.

The best way to prove something is not to believe in it but to put it into practice! So, you can prove it to yourself!

The products shown in this video are indicative only, I am not associated with, or receive any incentive, or commission from any company. They are my personal selection.

La Quinta Columna:

Kyolic Formula-104:


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