Please Be Mindful Of Who You Call Your Friends #shanquellarobinson #saturninaquarius

2 years ago

Astrology can show us cycles and themes on a collective level.

I have been super moved by a very tragic story that has made headlines lately. The untimely death of Shanquella Robinson, may she rest in peace and in power, is another reminder of how Saturn currently being in the sign of Aquarius calls for us to set boundaries regarding who we are connected to. I made a video a while back about Saturn In Aquarius calling for us to make the appropriate restrictions within our friendship circles and networks, and I couldn't help but think of that theme as I've watched this tragic story these past few days.

It is extremely important to make sure that your friends share your values, which points also to Uranus being in the sign of Taurus. Who are you calling your friends, and do they truly deserve that title? Use this energy appropriately to check and audit your circle.

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