Dumbbell Bentover Cheat Rows (Power Rows)

1 year ago

Use two dumbbells and place them on a slight angle or parallel with eacheother (both are correct) and get into a hip hinge or deadlift position. Extend your back and drive through the legs to get a bit of upward momentum to help row the dumbbells and then squeeze your back muscles as hard as you can trying to bring the shoulder blades together at the top. Lower the weight under control while hinging forward slightly to use your legs almost as springs to absorb the force from the falling dumbbells. Keep this flow going and perform these power rows for the specified reps.

Trainer Tips: This is a bentover row with momentum from the hip hinge to allow you to bentover row more weight/reps than you can do strict. These are great for developing power and building muscle as you have an overspeed eccentric component, get a weighted stretch, and get full range of motion in the muscles.

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