*NEW CODEX* Imperial Guard vs Sisters of Battle - Warhammer 40k Battle Report

2 years ago

#newcodex #warhammer40k #gamesworkshop #astramilitarum #imperialguard #adeptasororitas #sistersofbattle #battlereport

Our first Rumble Video....
We asked our youtube community what armies they would like to see and these two were chosen to face off by them. Keep and eye out in the future for these kind of polls. Subscribe over on youtube to take part in those polls#

The Imperial guard finally debut their 9th edition codex against the adepta sororitas! who will win? watch to find out..... and dont forget to hit that subscribe button and like button for these two armies!
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Army Lists

Regimental Doctrine: Born Soldiers

+ HQ +

Cadian Command Squad: Relic: Order of the Bastium Stellaris, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, WT: Superior Tactical Training
. Cadian Commander: Laspistol, Power fist, Warlord
. Cadian Veterans
. . Cadian Veteran w/ chainsword: Chainsword, Laspistol
. . Cadian Veteran w/ Master-Vox: Laspistol
. . Cadian Veteran w/ Regimental Standard
. . . Lasgun and Regimental Standard

Tank Commander: Heavy bolter, Leman Russ Battle Cannon
. 2 Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter

+ Troops +

Cadian Shock Troops
. 6x Shock Trooper: 6x Lasgun
. Shock Trooper Sergeant: Laspistol and Chainsword
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Flamer
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Flamer
. Shock Trooper w/ Vox-caster

Cadian Shock Troops
. 6x Shock Trooper: 6x Lasgun
. Shock Trooper Sergeant: Laspistol and Chainsword
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Flamer
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Flamer
. Shock Trooper w/ Vox-caster

Cadian Shock Troops
. 6x Shock Trooper: 6x Lasgun
. Shock Trooper Sergeant: Laspistol and Chainsword
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Shock Trooper w/ Vox-caster

Cadian Shock Troops
. 6x Shock Trooper: 6x Lasgun
. Shock Trooper Sergeant: Laspistol and Chainsword
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun
. Shock Trooper w/ Vox-caster

Cadian Shock Troops
. 6x Shock Trooper: 6x Lasgun
. Shock Trooper Sergeant: Laspistol and Chainsword
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun
. Shock Trooper w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun
. Shock Trooper w/ Vox-caster

+ Elites +

. Bullgryn: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
. Bullgryn: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
. Bullgryn Bone 'ead: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield

+ Heavy Support +

Leman Russ Battle Tanks
. Leman Russ Battle Tank: Heavy bolter, Leman Russ Battle Cannon
. . 2 Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter
. Leman Russ Battle Tank: Heavy bolter, Leman Russ Battle Cannon
. . 2 Heavy Bolters: 2x Heavy bolter

++ Total: [ 4CP] ++

Order: Bloody Rose
+ HQ +

Canoness: Blessed Blade, Inferno pistol, Relic: Book of St. Lucius, Warlord

+ Troops +

Battle Sister Squad
. 4x Battle Sister: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sister Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun

+ Elites +

. 9x Arco Flagellant: 9x Arco-flails
. Arco Flagellant w/ Endurant Implants: Endurant Implants

Celestian Sacresants
. 4x Celestian Sacresant (Anointed Halberd): 4x Anointed Halberd, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sacresant Superior: Inferno pistol, Spear of the Faithful

Dogmata: 4. Litany of Enduring Faith

Repentia Superior

Sisters Repentia
. 9x Sisters Repentia: 9x Penitent Eviscerator

+ Heavy Support +

Exorcist: Exorcist Missile Launcher

. Mortifiers: Anchorite Sarcophagus, 2x Heavy bolter, 2x Penitent Flails

+ Dedicated Transport +

Immolator : Twin multi-melta

Sororitas Rhino: Hunter-killer missile

++ Total: [5cp]++


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