World Economic Forum☠️has 8 predictions for us🤦‍♂️🙇🤷ALL by 2030!!! (PLEASE see translation in description below, plus Jefferson quote.)

2 years ago

"Based on the input of members of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Councils" - First posted in 2016. Then showed up on twitter again not long ago. (?)

Remember back when the entire Earth🌎elected them to rule the world, the whole world and nothing but the world? (Except for any other worlds they happen to want to dominate.) (Or moons, too.) 😵‍💫🔫

1) "You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy."
(Don't worry! Be *happy*! If you're happy and you know it, SMILE BIG!!! 😁 Or ELSE!😠<See #7 below.> 🤔Why does that sound so familiar?)

"Whatever you want you'll rent. And it'll be delivered by drone."

(EV, fur shur, and of all their many mandates, by then they'll hopefully make the use of some actually good 'uns, like made-in-the-U.S. KULR😎Tech! <at least no more of those ubiquitous EV Li-ion fires!🪫🔥> Or... maybe by that time the CCP will have stolen their proprietary tech.)

2) "The US 🇺🇸🦅won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate." 💪
(DOMINATE!? WORLD *DOMINATION*?!?) (notice which flag is🇨🇳center front.😟I wanna know what they consider to be a "handful".)

3) "You won't die waiting for an organ donor. We won't transplant organs. We'll print new ones instead." 🫀👂🏾👃🦶 🧠👁👁🫁🧟
(It wasn't on my bucket list, but maybe I can get a new brain? And, oh, yay, no more stolen organs from the poor! Or "unnecessary" people in countries like China killed to harvest their organs. )⚰️
(Wait... who's "WE"? Does "WE" have an "F" or "C" on the end in their new, "improved" lexicon, too?)

(I think they plan to make sure NObody's body (<at least their own> will *ever* die again.)

(Will they 3D print new babies?👶Just wondered. We might need some on Mars.)

4) "You'll eat much less meat."🥩
(Are those worms🐛in their picture of a slab of meat!? Are worms🪱, along with insects🐜🪲🪳🦟🦗 being promoted, meant to replace meat? Or... will we need to resort to other meats?🐀🐭🐿Stelter Potatoes?🥔😬)
(Wait again! Does that include poultry🍗and fish🎏? Even eggs🥚? Or are those planned for extinction, too? I rarely eat meat anyway, but shouldn't it be a choice?! Well, certainly it'll be *some*bodies' choice.)
"An occasional treat, not a staple."
("Staple"? Sounds more like trick or treat without the treat to me. Thanks, but I'd prefer sweets, like fruit🍓🫐<mmm> or erythritol- &/or monk fruit-sweetened chocolate🍫🌰<mmm hmmm!> when I crave an "occasional treat". But... does that also mean no more real milk, real butter or real cheese?🧀🧈🥛I need a glass of milk with my treats!)

(I can imagine it now: "Oh, WEF, the people have no money to buy milk to drink!" Answer: "Well, then, let them drink wine!"🍷)
"For the good of the environment and our health."

(The WEF) knows what's best for everybody and everything, & have made great progress in convincing you of that!

(Will they also take away our coffee☕, & will salted🍿popcorn be allowed? Meanwhile, can somebody sewer-wash 🧠 me into believing the elitists in the WEC or WEF truly cares a wit about our <we, the peons'> health?! *Please*? I hear ignorance is bliss, & it appears we're gonna need lots of both!)🫠


5) "A billion people will be displaced by climate change🌩⚡️🌨 🌪
(Especially since, with all the geoengineering, et al, they've been prepping the world for many decades to make *sure* their "climate change" happens. Remember, radio waves can heat more than food. Of course, almost half a century ago the alarmism was all about "Another Ice Age is on the Way!!!")
"We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees."
("Refugees"? Define <or redefine> that word. Do they mean like what the U.S. regime has been doing for who-knows-whom for over two years now? *That* kind of "welcoming and integrating"? "Give them anything they want!🫴💰💵Including all you own! Or🏡else!" <see #1 and #7>)

6) "Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide."
(Uh oh, there goes my aquascaping & co2🫧generator🐠🐡. Sorry, little fishies, no more plants🌱for you! Will we <meaning We the People> get to decide what else constitutes "pollution", like b.s. emissions from elitists? Never mind. The masters of the WEC and WEF have made the answer quite clear. "WE(C/F)😡decide😈*everything*, including the meaning of the deepest mysteries of the universe!")
"There will be a global (GLOBAL!) price on carbon."
(That's 18.5% of our bodies, BTW. But maybe they can 3D print new carbon-free ones for us?)🩻

"This will help make fossil fuels history." (Wow. In only 7 years they'll have figured out how to make enough electricity without the need for such things as natural gas? Make history? Are these people capable of learning from already-made history? That's an honest, non-sarcastic question.)

7) "You could be preparing to go to Mars."🟠
(This isn't meant as something for which we should look forward. It's a threat. <See #1 above.> i.e.: "Unless you shape up, we'll ship you out. Say 'goodbye' to planet Earth of your birth!") 😱🌌🥶(Mars has only global freezing.)
"Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space." ⚗
(Scientists such as the incarnation of science itself, Dr. Falsi🐽.🩸Because he and his cohorts have done such a *great* job, after all, of "keeping us healthy"😷already on Earth.☣️With things like, say,🦠gain-of-function research🦇accompanied by mandated, untested jabs💉, which have already been *redefined* <by the FDA, no less. In their "new improved" lexicon.> as "vaccinations" to "protect" us from the results of that research,🧪while actually making us more vulnerable, weakening🤒our immune systems🧫and, hey, just outright killing more of our fellow humans than we'll ever know?)☠️ 🪦

"The start of a journey to find alien life?"🛸👽
(Because there's not already enough of it here, I reckon. Especially on the forum of the World Economic Council!)

8) "Western values will have been tested to the breaking point."
(Notice their depiction of "Western values". That's no mere subliminal propaganda, and don't you dare suggest it is! And... who gets to choose which values will take their place? Oh! Those of the WEC and WEF, of course!)

"Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten."📜
(Because like fossil fuels, they'll be history. But of course, we'll always remember them with sentimental fondness and longing, no doubt, since they've pretty-much already been destroyed. Such democratic principles as separation of powers, free & fair elections🗳️and non-politicized judges⚖️, A.G.s🧑🏽‍⚖️, policing agencies and news/information outlets that *aren't* governmental arms will NEVER be forgotten. Not to mention free speech. Hopefully someone will make sure that history is secretly saved for posterity. Maybe our children's children's children will be able to fight to bring them back.)

-Oh, thank you from the bottom of our little printable hearts, WEF and WEC. You must be like gods shining your wisdom down upon us. How did Earth ever live without you for centuries? We can hardly wait to become your obedient 🤖bot-🐑🐏-
Even though they probably couldn't have imagined a 1-world-government back then and certainly couldn't have envisioned the power of exponentially-increasing technological oligarchy, even the U.S. Founding Fathers knew our new and unprecedented Constitutional Republic melting pot was ever in danger of wolves. This one warned that we must anticipate them and be prepared, else it could be too late, which I believe is the case already:
"Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume. The public money and public liberty, intended to have been deposited with three branches of magistracy, but found inadvertently to be in the hands of one only, will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them… They [the assembly] should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when a corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people; when they will purchase the voices of the people, and make them pay the price. Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic, and will be alike influenced by the same causes. The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered."

Thomas Jefferson quote found in Notes on Virginia II, Correspondence written between 1782-1786

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