Tapping Into the Wisdom of Your Elders

2 years ago

Your "elders" are your parents, extended family, and friends parents, etc. Your elders simply telling stories from their own lives can be incredibly helpful and useful to you. How much undisclosed wisdom remains unknown and then dies with older people before they convey it to another human being? Native American tribes understood the value of elders.

Challenge to you: Ask some of your elders for wisdom around a particular topic that you’re interested in. And then simply LISTEN! And consider commenting below with the wisdom you received! HA


— Lightness Meditation sessions, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAyVkTL0GAK7FTOm-TzgBw/about

— Podcast Engineering School, https://podcastengineeringschool.com/

— Chris’s fractal art and social media, http://fractalchris.com/

— The Mystic Show (podcast), https://themysticshow.net/

— Leap Beyond Your Limits (book) — https://www.amazon.com/Leap-Beyond-Limits-Chris-Curran/dp/1599303426

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