Big Pharma’s Disinformation Campaign

2 years ago

[00:30] ‘Twitter Files’ Part 16: Social Media’s COVID Censorship (29 minutes)
Part 16 of the “Twitter Files” exposes how Big Pharma used Twitter to promote coronavirus lockdowns and vaccines while censoring the truth about other COVID treatments. The Wall Street Journal is finally questioning, “How Deadly Were the COVID Lockdowns?” Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly admitted last Friday that there is a link between the vaccines and strokes in those over 65.

[29:30] ‘Deep State’ Doublespeak (15 minutes)

The “deep state” is filled with disinformation superspreaders. The Biden administration has extended the COVID public health emergency once again, even though Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that the COVID emergency ended months ago. Despite mounting evidence of Biden’s underhanded business dealings in Ukraine and unlawful handling of classified documents, we are supposed to believe that he is squeaky clean. Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy says he will follow through on his promise to release the January 6 footage from the Capitol, but MSNBC says the footage is “very dangerous.” Dangerous for whom?

[44:00] Producing Fruit for God (11 minutes)

John 15 contains a beautiful analogy of God as a farmer. Jesus Christ is the vine, and we are the branches. The more fruit we produce while connected to the vine, the more glory we bring to God. As God’s husbandry, we must focus on allowing Christ to produce in us the abundant, godly fruit that lasts eternally.

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