2 years ago

Hyperventilating about CLIMATE EMERGENCY, We have been FORCED to PAY Carbon TAX in B.C. since 2008 by the Christie Clark Liberals (provincial) who CLAIM to be CONSERVATIVE. That is the liberal Leaning CBC CTV Global News SPIN. Carbon tax is CLEARLY a Liberal Construct, based upon FRAUD. Gimme all my MONEY back, please. There i NO true CONSERVATIVE voting option in B.C. Province elections. The MEDIA in B.C. has GUTTED the B.C. Conservative Party, and no true Conservative party would be allowed oxygen in this province. There is only extreme left, Liberal, and MORE EXTREME LEFT, N.D.P. so. There is your RED PILL on CLIMATE HYSTERICS and CORUPTION in British Columbia, Canada. Beautiful country, incredibly corrupt dishonest greedy government.

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