What Tools Do You Need To Homestead | Sovereign Provisions Homestead

2 years ago

What tools do you need for the homestead? Especially when you are first starting off. Stay Tuned…

There is not a one stop shop tool wise for every single homesteader. Your homesteading vision may be different than mine, and that is okay. Often times homesteaders do not want to rely on others. Maybe that is not you. Maybe you want to homestead strictly because of what the government allows to go into food and you want to just take control back over this and so you are okay spending money in prebuilt cages. This is okay.

Our vision and goals may be different.

Some of the bigger named homesteaders are like professional builders, Roots and Refudge, Justin Rhodes, Sow the Land, you get the idea. There equipment and structures are built nicely and dare I say professional and it may last a lifetime. Nothing wrong with this and if you are gifted and know how to do that, more power to you.

But that wasn’t me. That isn’t me.

Maybe someday. Should this hold us back from homesteading? Clearly not.

What about the practical homesteader in you? You just want to go get some chickens.

What practical tools do you need?

1. Drill
2. Circular Saw
3. Hammer
4. A Headlamp
5. A Rake

Two others I failed to mention are a good knife and zip ties. What would you add to the list?

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