Deadly Solar Outbursts Come Like Clockwork

2 years ago

For decades, we've avoided the ruination of our modern infrastructure through sheer luck alone. A Carrington-level event, when one finally strikes us again (a 100% certainty), will not only destroy our power grids, cut off our electric service and destroying trillions of dollars worth of electronics run our world, it will literally throw mankind back into a stone age existence. Can you imagine what the world would be like with billions of people, none of whom know how to survive without electricity? It would be a Mad Max world--a hell on Earth. Civilization as we know it would likely never fully recover from such a disaster. The power grid alone would take years to rebuild.
And we're just talking about a large Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) event. The Sun is capable of exacting much more damage than that. It's capable of wiping out damn near all life on Earth, and a study of the geologic record, shows that it has done so many times. Of the six major extinction events that are recognized by science, at least two were caused by Nova Events of our Sun, and the others by cosmic impacts by asteroids and comets that slam into our planet with alarming regularity. Everything appears to happen in cycles of time, which are connected to the Great Year that our ancestors just could stop talking about in the messages that they handed down to us through time.
So, you're afraid of Global Warming, or whatever members of the Leftist, New World Order religious cult are blaming on the mere .0082% increase in carbon dioxide (the "Gas of Life") over the past 100 years? You ain't seen nothing yet, folks. When you finally understand what the Sun can do, and what it has done MANY TIMES, to this puny little blue marble in space, you'll finally see all that "climate change" BS for what it always was--a GIANT NOTHING BURGER. You think the government cares? Hell no. If they did, they would have already spent the 5 billion dollars it would take to shield the power grid rather than funnel hundreds of billions of dollars to fund wars in Ukraine and elsewhere that Americans never wanted to have ANYTHING to do with. After all, they have fully outfitted Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that they can escape to, while we THE PEOPLE will fry like turkeys in a hot, radiation-filled oven.

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