Alien Switch Bodies With Human And Attack Our Earth | Life Force Movie Review part 2

2 years ago

Lifeforce is a 1985 British science fiction horror film directed by, Tobe hooper written by Dan O'Bannon and Don Jakoby, and starring Steve Railsback, Peter Firth, Frank Finlay, Mathilda May, and Patrick Stewart. Based on Colin Wilson's 1976 novel The Space Vampires
The crew of the joint British and American space shuttle Churchill, under the command of Colonel Tom Carlsen, finds a 150-mile-long (240 km) spaceship hidden in the coma of Halley's Comet. Inside, the crew discovers hundreds of desiccated bat-like creatures and three naked humanoid bodies (two male and one female) in suspended animation within glass containers. The crew recovers a bat-alien and the three bodies and begins the return trip to Earth. However, during the return journey, mission control loses contact with Churchill. A rescue mission is launched to investigate.

The rescuers discover that Churchill has been gutted by fire. The present crew are dead, and the escape pod is missing, yet the three containers bearing the bodies remain intact. The bodies are taken to the European Space Research Centre in London. Prior to an autopsy, the female alien awakens and drains the life force out of a guard. She then escapes the facility and proceeds to drain other humans of their life force, revealing an ability to shapeshift. The guard revives after two hours and also displays the ability to drain others of their life force. Soon thereafter, the two male vampires awaken and attempt a violent escape, but they are apparently destroyed by grenades thrown by the guards.


part 1 Link

ShapeShifting Alien Arrive on Earth to Steal our Life force | Lifeforce Movie Review



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