Global Warming is a Globalist Lie

2 years ago

Anthropogenic climate change threats and the so-called "solutions" promulgated by the proponents of that fictitious hypothesis is one of the biggest con jobs ever imposed on humanity in the past 100 years. It has never been about the climate, energy, the environment, or the well-being of mankind. The climate change agenda is about the complete takeover of human civilization using contrived, unscientific data and a non-stop media propaganda campaign in order to achieve the political ends of the world's [unelected] ruling elite. The climate scare is simply a backdoor way for so-called "Progressives" (the useful idiots of the elite) to impose central planning, international Socialism, and Technocracy upon every human being remaining alive on this planet after the Great Culling that is currently taking place under our noses in the form of the carefully planned COVID-19 PSYOP.

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