The Word Of The Lord

2 years ago

Word of the Lord 1/10/2023 9:46 pm
The time has come for man to seek me and abide in me, says the Lord. The time has come to choose who will you abide with. Man is seeking himself, man is seeking other men for wisdom and guidance, man needs to make a choice this day, says the Lord. For man is busy seeking riches, seeking self, seeking material things, that will rot, seek me in this time, says the Lord. For now is the time that man will not make it, without me says the Lord.

The time is now, says the Lord. For the enemy seeks to bring confusion, riches, business, and material things for man to get distracted in this hour. For do you not know that I the Lord will supply what you need to do my will. Seek me, says the Lord and I will give you ideas no man can give. I the Lord will bring supernatural protection and provisions for you in this hour and time. Do not seek man or praise man as some are doing in this hour.

For I the Lord am here for my people and will pour out my blessing and Glory on them to do my will and not to fill their pockets as some have done, using my name, says the Lord. For I am the righteous Judge, says the Lord and will bring judgment on the ones who have used my name to fill their pockets and glorified themselves. I the Lord will show myself to my faithful ones who seek me in spirit and Love me, says the Lord. For I see the heart, man looks on the outside, I see behind closed doors, man cannot unless I will it for them. I the Lord am bringing swift correction to the ones I Love and allowing them to repent and look to me in this hour.

For nothing can help you, not money, not material things, not man and no religion can guide you in this time and hour. Seek me, abide in me, declare my word in this hour and time. Read my word and keep your eyes on me. I say do NOT fear what you hear or see in this hour, for I am the Lord and will be with you the entire time. I seek to abide with you, look to me and I will show you things to come. I the Lord can give you wisdom beyond any man's wisdom for man has none, he thinks he has some but it is foolish.

Look to me in this hour, for I seek to lead my people, my faithful ones, the ones that love me with all their soul, the ones that abide with me, the ones that keep their eyes on me, I will lead them to victory because they hear and recognize my voice. For you will know them, for they will speak my word and my word alone, without compromise.They will be bold in this hour, for they will do the greater works and that is how you will know the separation, for they will speak my word without manipulation and twisting. For satan has twisted my word and has used manipulation to deceive people including some in the church. For you will know my true Ecclesia in this hour, for my Glory will be upon them and the enemy will flee from their presence because my Glory will be upon them.
For I come to set my people free, and you will know that I am the Lord and there is no other. I say stop seeking riches, I say again stop seeking riches, for the enemy is using it to deceive. Seek me and my blessing, for my blessing brings deliverance, freedom, health, provisions and supernatural joy. For I know what you need, I know my plans for you and they are beyond your imagination. I AM, and I will bless my faithful ones but do not get distracted, I the Lord will do what I say and it will come to pass. For I know what my faithful ones have been standing for and I will bring it to pass, says the Lord.

Stay with me, abide in me, keep your eyes on me and you will partake in the greater works in this hour and time, for you will see my Glory like never before. We both will laugh as the enemy cries in defeat, for I the Lord will bring victory to my faithful ones. So, Declare and Decree my word out loud and watch me work, says the Lord. Rejoice in me says the Lord, Rejoice, sing praises to me and watch the enemy flee. Do not speak defeat but Declare my word, says the Lord. Declare my Word, Declare my Word. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You

Word of the Lord on 1-11-2023 @ 7:40 am
Reach unto My word for all My blessings My children, I have placed all that you need in My word for all that you will use here on earth. Man cannot obtain all that I have without My word, so I say again reach into My word to obtain all that you need to be set free here on earth. Trials and tribulation is coming for My people, but My children have all the answers within reach of My word says the Lord.

I have even more to reveal to My children who stand on My word and who will not be distracted by man's plans. My plans are hidden within My word, but My children have the key within them to see My glory plans for them says the Lord.

The world is turning uncontrolled,but My children are of My Kingdom in heaven here on earth and are in control of My word in them, keep Me close, closer than ever before. My hand is bigger than this earth and My hand is upon My children here on earth says the Lord.

proverbs 3:11-12, 11:28
Jeremiah 17:5, 48:10
Judges 7:2-8

After reading, pray and seek the Lord, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you, speak to you.

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