{Part 1} "The 5 Steps to Communism ~ We're not "watching" a 🎥...We're "in" it. 🍿

2 years ago

I created this 3-part series for TikTok in September 2021 as a 🎩-tip to the 1966 documentary titled "Anarchy USA" written by G. Edward Griffin. The Five Steps to Communism outlined in the film mirror exactly what is happening in our Country today. I simply updated it using current-day footage/examples. It is my belief that we are at the fifth and final step. ⌛️💉🧬🤖

It is imperative that we study history, or we are doomed to repeat it. We are ALL being divided BY DESIGN. No matter what "SIDE" you have "chosen". We are collectively being used as pawns in "their" game. ♟. It's time to wake up. 💊

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