Experian vs. Credit Karma?

2 years ago

Experian vs. Credit Karma?

So here is the deal,

I would delete that Credit Karma APP asap!

Credit Karma is free for a reason.

1. Not accurate information

2. Not a FICO score

3. Don’t have all the information (don’t go back 7 years)

4. Don’t update on a normal basis (especially Equifax)

5. Don’t have Experian inside the credit karma app (which is the most used and most accurate)

so, if you walked into a car dealership and said,

Hey, my Credit Karma score says I’m 710 and I want a car asap!

it is almost laughable, because they will pull your Experian or Equifax or Transunion FICO score and most likely be 620 (true accurate score)

and then you’re driving home with a used 2016 Hyundai Elantra from the dealership because you CREDIT KARMA score is not accurate

because FICO scores are used today by over 90% of top lenders to make lending decisions.

Bottom line- Credit Karma is a FREE tool to see pay history, age and type of credit, percentage of credit limit used and any collection or charge offs if any. On Transunion really!

Maybe that is why it is free.

I would use Myfico or Experian!

We only use Experian or Myfico with our clients.

So, get your Experian credit report and send me the PDF file to me so I can look at your credit report for FREE.

How do I send my PDF file?

Log in Experian (it is FREE) Don’t need to upgrade yet)

click credit report

click print file

save as PDF

and email it back to me to this email with the message.


Please look at my Experian credit for free.

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