Your Biggest Problem in Finding a Job: Self Elimination - Ep. 80

2 years ago

Many of us have been there - staring at a job description for a position we are desperate to apply for, but feeling intimidated by the extensive list of qualifications and requirements.

We might feel that we don't measure up, and so practice self-elimination by not applying.

However, the truth is that job descriptions are often crafted as wish lists – and you should still apply even if you don't tick all the boxes!

In this episode, we talk about:

- Why you don't have to be the perfect job candidate: job descriptions are just wishlists
- Why do you only need to match around 50% of the job listing to be considered 'qualified'
- How you can convince an employer or hiring manager that you can provide value even without a degree or relevant experience
- Why more and more companies are no longer caring that you don't have a degree

Ryan and Hannah also talked about the right mindset when you're job hunting.

Enjoy the episode!

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