Honoring the Life of Haj Suleiman al-Hathaleen (1951-2022)

2 years ago

Live 8pm ET: A Palestinian shepherd who was a constant presence at protests in the southern West Bank died two weeks after being struck & critically injured by a tow truck escorted by Israeli police.

He was expelled from the Naqab desert in what is now part of southern Israel soon after the declaration of the state in 1948.

Following the expulsion, his family relocated near the Palestinian town of Yatta, south of Hebron.

The Israeli Govt never left the agrarian community in peace, subjecting them to land confiscation, home demolitions & the constant threat of displacement.

He was an older man who carried a shepherd’s staff, was a community leader & an iconic presence.

The tow truck driver hit Mr. Hathaleen & dragged him for several meters. The police vehicles sped away & the officers provided no assistance.

We will remember the life of a true hero.

Rest In Peace

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