Bill Clinton on illegal human radiation experiments.

2 years ago

President William Jefferson Clinton delivering remarks on accepting the report of the advisory committee on human radiation experiments.

The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was established in 1994 to investigate questions of the record of the United States government with respect to human radiation experiments. The special committee was created by President Bill Clinton in Executive Order 12891, issued January 15, 1994.

The scandal first came to public attention in a newsletter called Science Trends in 1976 and in Mother Jones magazine in 1981. Mother Jones reporter Howard Rosenburg used the Freedom of Information Act to gather hundreds of documents to investigate total radiation studies which were done at the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies (now the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education). The Mother Jones article triggered a hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee. Congressman Al Gore of Tennessee chaired the hearing. Gore's subcommittee report stated that the radiation experiments were "satisfactory, but not perfect."

~ Courtesy; William J. Clinton Presidential Library

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