2 years ago

Directed and Produced By: @Kristopher Adams


An avant-garde one man film in whiteface that depicts a meeting that masterminded the continuation of the exploitation and attempted destruction of so-called black people in Amerikkka.

This was written as a message to so-called “Black” Americans. This is for people who are aligning with the energy of the Age of Aquarius, for those who are willing to learn about this world we live in and how it relates to them. This is for people who yearn for the truth, who yearn for the type of material that Hollywood doesn’t want to show on a major scale. This is for people who want to see something other than the same 6 stories that Hollywood likes to recycle. This is also for people who appreciate avant garde material. This is for people who like raw and unfiltered material. This is for people who want to watch something unlike anything else they have ever seen. Ultimately, it is for anyone who will listen.

In the words of one of the most important researchers of our time, Dane Calloway:
“I’m just here to make you think.”
This project contains commentary on numerous subject matters, so this is more than just a film. This is a conversation piece. This is a think piece. This is a course. This is something that can be applicable to real life and be passed down to your children. For many, it can be an introduction to a new train of thought.

As one of the most unique and controversial films in history, there have been several attempts to silence this film. I challenge anyone to go out and find another avant-garde one-man film in whiteface that covers as much subject matter in 41 minutes with the same style as THE MEETING THAT SHAPED AMERIKKKA. I'll wait.

We are in the Age of Aquarius now, which means more and more people are embarking on the quest for knowledge. Edutainment and content that explore historical/social topics are on the rise. The problem is… people don’t want another whitewashed social commentary film, and if people do want the truth, they don’t want censored and manicured versions of it, or else they would just go to the news stations or NatGeo or some other bullshit. And they damn sure don’t want another one of these films from a white writer or director. That’s where THE MEETING THAT SHAPED AMERIKKKA comes in to solve that problem.

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