Ukrainian Marines Use SPG-9 To Take Out Russian Troops Attempting Attack Near Avdiivka

1 year ago

These images show Ukrainian Marines using an SPG-9 to take out Russian troops attempting an attack near Avdiivka and thwarting their advance.

The SPG-9 is a tripod-mounted, man-portable, 73-millimetre calibre recoilless gun that was originally developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. The SPG-9 can be used against armoured vehicles, buildings and infantry, making it a very versatile weapon.

The footage begins by showing nearly a dozen Russian soldiers crossing a snowy area before the images cut to the SPG-9 mounted on the back of a military pickup truck.

It can be seen opening fire and hitting their position.

The images were obtained from the 36th Separate Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilynsky of the Ukrainian Navy on Monday, 16th January, along with a statement saying: "In the Avdiyiv area of the Donetsk region, a Russian assault group 'made a gesture of goodwill' once again.

"'They will accept a difficult decision'. Russian soldiers were helped by the calculation of an SPG-9 of the fire support company of the Mykolaiv 36th Separate Brigade of marines named after rear-admiral Mykhailo Bilinskyi.

"Glory to the marines of Ukraine! Death to the occupiers!"

The images and statement were also relayed by the Marine Corps Command of the Ukrainian Navy and by the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine on 24th February in what the Kremlin is still calling a "special military operation". Today marks the 328th day of the war.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that between 24th February 2022 and 17th January 2023, Russia had lost about 116,950 personnel, 3,121 tanks, 6,215 armoured combat vehicles, 2,104 artillery units, 441 multiple launch rocket systems, 220 air defence systems, 286 warplanes, 276 helicopters, 1,872 drones, 749 cruise missiles, 17 warships, 4,877 motor vehicles and fuel tankers, and 190 units of special equipment.

Russia has claimed that its casualties have been much lower but provides infrequent updates on its latest figures.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said on Monday that over 7,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

The OHCHR added that it believes that the actual death toll is “considerably higher” but said that it is currently hard to determine due to numerous pending reports and the inaccessibility of parts of the country where intense fighting is currently ongoing.

Turkish ombudsman Seref Malkoc has said that Russia and Ukraine have been putting together a large prisoner exchange deal they could see 1,000 prisoners swapped between the two countries.

Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom, has confirmed that the UK will send a squadron of Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine.

Speaking to the British Parliament, he defined the military support as “the most significant package of combat power to date to accelerate Ukrainian success”.

The announcement makes the UK the first Western power to supply Ukraine with main battle tanks, with Wallace also urging Germany to allow for Leopard tanks to be supplied to Kyiv.

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said that Germany should take “decisive actions” and send “all sorts of weapons” to Ukraine to help the country defend itself against Russian aggression.

Russia and Belarus have begun joint air force drills, increasing fears in Kyiv and among Ukraine’s western allies that Moscow could be pushing its ally into launching a new offensive on Ukraine.

The Norwegian authorities have said that a Russian citizen, named as Andrey Medvedev, who reportedly fought for the notorious Wagner group, a private mercenary organisation that has been operating closely with conventional Russian forces in Ukraine, has crossed into Norway and requested political asylum.

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