What's an addiction that no one takes seriously enough?

2 years ago

what's an addiction that no one takes seriously enough?
In someone with ADHD, dopamine. It's easy to become addicted to social media, gaming, gambling, sex, attention, drugs, alcohol and all of the other addictions. Because the real problem is you're just trying to get access to a normal amount of dopamine.
Nasal Spray
Attention - and it can manifest in so many ways - social media, causing issues in school, causing chaos, etc.
I’ve beaten booze, meth, crack and cigarettes. I now need treatment for sugar.
Work. So many of my friends in their late 20’s work themselves to exhaustion, go out for drinks and talk about work for 3 hours, get called in early to work the next day, and kiss the bosses ass on their days off.
Phone Addiction
Alcohol dependency - people only think being a full blown alcoholic is an issue. The millions who can’t go a day without booze, yet are functional and whose lives would be 10X better without it are the real issue.
Shopping. People think I just like nice shit but they don’t realize I literally can’t stop and it’s ruined relationships but I don’t know how to quit. The dopamine is real.
self harm.
Skin picking. My index, thumb and middle fingers are permanently destroyed and all my parent says is ‘you’ve got to stop’ yeah no I can’t-
Winning arguments. Or at least the other person giving up. I know a guy that will argue with anyone over anything, with the sole intention of making them give up in disgust.
Binge eating.
Social media addiction. I think eventually we will find out that social media contributes to mental illness someday.
vaping. i quit, day 2
Cell phones
Recently? Alcohol. You can be slamming back a 6 pack every day after work, wine mom drinking out of a flask at soccer games and baby showers, 10am sunday mimosas, and no one bats an eye as long as you’re functioning and you turn it into a joke. Unless you’re pissing yourself drooling in a corner at 8am every morning, no one even *thinks* alcoholism.
Self harm
Addiction to work and achievement
I saw nobody say this so I am gonna say it, sadness. might seem like a weird thing but a lot of people are addicted to making themself sad or make themseles feel pain
There’s a lot that aren’t taken seriously, or are looked down upon because of the stigma around it. Food. Gambling. Sex. Even legal narcotics are looked down upon. But illegal narcotics aren’t seen as what they often are, which is a way to avoid dealing with something in one’s past. Much the same can be said about alcoholism.
Marijuana, not that bad until 20 years go by in a haze
Anger. It releases serotonin. It’s cathartic. Easy to become a dominant response in many social situations.
Addiction to love, especially in toxic relationships. The needing, the longing, the desperation, the codependency. The rage, the lust, the jealousy.
Nicotine can’t go one day without it and if I don’t have it I drink and eat food excessively just to fight the cravings
Idk man I've seen nobody mention cocaine and I've been watching that harm a few lives lately. Socially acceptable amongst the moderately wealthy, but usually an all or nothing kind of drug that people ABSOLUTELY will gargle trouser meat for.
Person addiction. Emotional dependency on an individual. Has ruined my life.
Smol cat addiction
Masturbation. Been late to several important things because of it.
Work. I show up early everyday at least an hour, stay late if possible and try to work weekends constantly...without extra pay. Not trying to kiss ass or look good to the boss man, I just genuinely like working. Or rather need to work.
Video games
Petroleum addiction. It just smells too good.
Porn addiction.
Internet addiction
Using q-tips in the ears

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