Interview 390 with Stephen T Manning

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Stephen T Manning - Brief History and Career to Date - Nov 2022
Born in the UK in 1958 to lrish parents. Schooled in Ireland and the
UK before joining NATO aged 17 in 1975. Four years military service
in Europe. Then alternated between international truck driving, ski
instructing, flight attendant and resort management positions for
around 10 years, including working with rock'n'roll bands on tour
and co-leading overland expeditions before setting up Voyagers
Adventure Travel in 1990 and leading a trek to Everest Base Camp
Emigrated to USA in 1992 working initially as a truck driver - then moving on to personal
fitness training and winter sports instruction before finally settling in Alaska, where a new-
found interest in 'meaning of life topics would culminate in religious studies with Gonzaga
University. This led to several years of formal seminary studies in New York State culminating
in a Masters in Theology & Religious Education and a PhD in Counseling Psychology.
Married Noriko from Okinawa, Japan in 1997 and raised three children who were born
respectively in New York, Alaska and Okinawa. Taught English in schools, colleges and
universities before returning to lreland in 2005 to care for elderly parents. Set up CheckPoint
Press Publishing ("Books with something to say") and moved to Achill lsland in 2006 where,
as a soccer referee, Stephen's problems with 'the legal system' began. Registered the
ntegrity Ireland Association in 2012 in response to an epidemic of complaints about
corruption and criminality in the lrish Courts. Published a number of books and initiated
private prosecutions against various officials and office holders, whilst running in national
elections in 2016 and 2020 on a pro-justice and anti-corruption ticket. This resulted in the
family being mercilessly targeted by the establishment, and Stephen being unlawfully jailed
The as-yet unexplained disappearance of 56% of his first-preference election votes is merely
symptomatic of an official culture in Ireland of absolute contempt for the law or of genuine
democracy. Various attempts to appeal these criminal activities in the Dáil or the Courts or,
to resolve matters through EU structures has resulted in the further exposure of systemic,
institutionalized corruption all across the board that incorporates the mainstream media,
the political world, law enforcement, financial institutions, big business and the Courts.
Stephen instigated the setting up of The Peoples Tribunal of Ireland in 2020 as a possible
solution to the endemic corruption and criminality in the lrish Courts. Suffered multiple false
alegations, assaults and intimidation by State officials, police and Child Protection Services
over a 15-year + campaign of official harassment and persecution, and is currently appealing
two sham 'convictions' for alleged assaults; albeit proven on video never to have occurred.
Stephen has two daughters currently in University and, with the sad passing of Noriko in
March 2022, Stephen is now the sole carer for his adult son Danny, who has special needs
Despite the obligation on the Irish State to provide housing and support, they have been
homeless since March 2022. 'The mission' to inform and empower, continues nontheless
Books: The Color of Truth * Psychology, Symbolism & the Sacred * The
ntegrity lreland S.O.S. Guide * D.I.Y. Justice in lreland * The PTI Handbook *
Criminality in the lrish Courts * INDICTMENT - & Petition for a Public Enquiry
Crisis, Cull or Coup - What How & Who - Facts & truths to make you think!
"Words are only metaphors, but truth is its own witness!"
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