FireKing File Cabinets in a Fire Testimonial

2 years ago

Testimonial from J.W. Mills, whose FireKing File Cabinet was in a garage fire. This is his experience in his own words.

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Homeowner J.W. Mills endured a massive and devastating garage fire. This is his experience in his own words.

"I was lying in my recliner watching the news when I heard a huge explosion, so I looked out and saw the fire. I heard two more explosions, and I tried to pull my truck away from the garage, but my headlights had already melted.

After the fire department extinguished the fire, there was nothing really left except for my FireKing filing cabinets. My car inside the garage was an antique, and my woodwork shop was gone. These are 50 years worth of documents, licenses, birth certificates, deeds for three different properties, and my license when I married my bride 56 years ago in February.

All my guns serial numbers and legal documents with my will were in here too. I even had my high school diplomas. There is no scorching on any of these papers, not even in the front of the filing cabinet. These two filing cabinets were the only things to survive the fire. I would definitely recommend FireKing. This right here speaks for itself. I never thought I would be in a fire like this, and I never want to have to experience this again."

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