Ran My Boat Aground {The Waterman Games Pt 2}

2 years ago

Welcome back to The Watermen Games! In this episode, Judah and Christine travel South to the island of Key West located in the Florida Keys. Judah hasn’t been able to dive for a couple weeks because of a surgery he had on his hand, so his rank in the spearfishing competition had dropped. But Christine was holding first place in the Women’s freedive spearfishing category! Judah’s fishing boat was looking sexy with its brand new motor, but a GPS error had caused him to run aground. A good samaritan, a Monroe Country Sheriff Police boat helped pull Judah and the twins from the shallows, and on they went. Good news came when Judah got a phone call from a local spearfishing shop Foremula Freediving in Marathon saying that his favorite speargun was found by a group of fishermen fishing the 7 mile bridge. Christine shot a fish near ocean towers and a shark ripped her gun right out of her hands, taking the fish and gun into the deep, dark blue. They decided it was time to head back to shore, but the motor started malfunctioning and they were critically low on gas. Will they make it back to shore? And if they do, will Judah Clark be lucky enough to have his second lost gun found and returned?

The Waterman Games is a fishing competition comprised of fearless divers throughout the state of Florida who compete 9 months out of the year to acquire 17 species of saltwater fish through freedive spearfishing. All across the coast of Florida, approximately 200 men and women dive to strategically hunt fish in an attempt to spear the biggest of each of the 17 fish species as possible. The prize, to be King and Queen of the games for the year, a.k.a. Top Dog for the male and female categories. Physical prizes are rewarded to the spearfishing champions, but the title of being the best is what most divers really compete for.

The 17 fish species to harvest in the tournament are: African Pompano, Amberjack, Cobia, Cubera, Grouper, Hogfish, Kingfish, Mahi, Mangrove Snapper, Mutton Snapper, Permit, Wahoo, Sheepshead, Red Snapper, Tuna, Lobster, Lionfish, Yellowjack and Yellowtail Snapper. All of these fish are not only edible, but delicious, so the fish are honored and no meat is wasted.

Follow along as Judah Clark along with Christine and Victoria Vartiainen “The Fisher Twins” travel throughout the state of Florida to dive and hunt for monster fish while competing in this unique game all throughout the year 2021 (Season 1).

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There are 5 films so far in The Waterman Games Series
Pt. 1: https://youtu.be/FE__XB6zK14
Pt. 2: https://youtu.be/dGfrR05eKJw (You are here!)
Pt. 3: https://youtu.be/wtYEwKrBaSo
Pt. 4: https://youtu.be/f8zdshZAx9M
Pt. 5: https://youtu.be/rtwVqM2OVt8
Pt.. 6: https://youtu.be/ZfUEqvdyXaA

Become a member of our channel and get a ton of benefits including 2-week early access to our next film. Click here to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdKKm_ldiWrDZlv80Snx3A/join

Fish Games Fishing Formula 1 Freediving Florida Spearfishing Tournament Florida Keys Fisher Twins Ran Boat Aground Qualified Captain Moments Everyone Makes Mistakes Sooner or Later Boating Accident Key West Police Sherif Tropical Storm Warning 2 Little Mermaids UFC Sharks

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