7 Types of Hippy Zombies

2 years ago

🧟‍♂️ The zombie apocalypse is here just look around! Will you survive? Take the test to find out! 🧟‍♀️
👉 https://bit.ly/Zombie-Survival-Test 👈

Rocker Zombie: These undead wear tattered flannel shirts, ripped jeans, and combat boots, and listen to classic rock, heavy metal, and punk rock.

Peaceful Zombie: A peaceful zombie is a hippie zombie that has embraced the hippie way of life by living off the land and living in harmony with nature.

Psychedelic Zombie: These zombies are all about the trippy visuals and colorful clothing. They are known for their wild hair, crazy eyes, and wild behavior.

Tie-Dyed Zombie: These zombies are never seen without their favorite tie-dye shirt or dress. They also often have accessories made from hemp and/or feathers.

Festival Zombie: Festival zombies are usually found at music festivals, gatherings of like-minded hippies, or other events with a hippie vibe.

Hippie Bus Zombie: These zombies have embraced the classic hippie way of life and travel around in vintage VW buses or other old-school vehicles.

Flower Child Zombie: These zombies are the most peaceful of the bunch. They are all about peace, love, and acceptance, and often wear floral prints and floral headbands.

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