ShapeShifting Alien Arrive on Earth to Steal our Life force | Lifeforce Movie Review

2 years ago

ShapeShifting Alien Arrive on Earth to Steal our Life force | Lifeforce Movie Review

movie name. lifeforce


your quaris

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Lifeforce movie

Lifeforce movie review

Lifeforce movie recaps

female possession


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movie short summary

the space shuttle Churchill, manned by a joint U.S.-British crew, is investigating Halley's Comet (which was heading towards Earth around the time this was being made) when they discover what appears to be a 150-mile-long spacecraft hidden in its tail. During a search of the derelict ship, the crew discovers some bat-like creatures and a trio of naked humanoids--two male and one very female (Mathilda May)--in suspended animation inside odd crystal-like chambers. The astronauts take the three chambers back to the shuttle because hey, what could possibly go wrong?
Thirty days later, having lost all contact with the shuttle, the ESA mounts a rescue mission but when they arrive, all they find are the charred remains of the crew, a missing escape pod and the three aliens still sleeping in their chambers. They bring the aliens back to London for study but while officials are dickering over if they are technically dead enough to justify an autopsy ("You would agree they are less alive than we are."), the female suddenly wakes up, and gives the nearest doctor a kiss that leaves him a desiccated husk, before walking away, still naked as the day she was spawned.
Lifeforce" truly goes bonkers once its putative American hero finally crashes to Earth and into the story. While the British are all polite restraint, Carlsen comes across as someone who belongs in restraints. Snarling, shrieking and howling almost from the start, he starts off approximately where Jack Nicholson left off in "The Shining" and goes from there in ways that would seem excessive for someone playing a barking loon, let alone one playing the nominal hero.


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