Popular Christian Things Jesus Would Not Endorse part two

2 years ago

Now let’s switch gears a little bit. Last time we talked about things Jesus would never say. Well here are some examples of things in the Christian world that Jesus would not endorse…..This is not an all encompassing list. Just a few things that we all know about and have heard about and wondered about.

We have a problem today in the church….lack of discernment. We are so Biblically weak that we fall for emotional and psychological ploys. We make excuses for Biblical teachers giving us 95 percent Biblical truth and we ignore their 5 percent error. What if the Bible was only 95 percent true? What if your preacher only told 95 percent truth? What if your spouse was only 95 percent faithful? What if your boat was only 95 percent water proof? What if your mail was delivered correctly 95 percent of the time? What if your bank was 95 percent accurate? What if that vaccine is only 95 percent safe? AHA! Got cha!! Could you endorse that? Pray for wisdom and discernment!

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