Gold SOARS Amid Fresh Fears of RECESSION: We're answering your INVESTING questions today!

2 years ago

#gold #news #markets

I suppose we have Joe to thank?

Since the start of the year, gold has been on a tear...nearing $2000 an ounce. Some analysts are now even predicting $3000 by year end.

Okay, while even they admit $3000 could be ambitious... you get the picture; GOLD IS BACK IN VOGUE.

There's a reason everyone is suddenly bullish on gold...

and it's not exactly a good one.

You see, 2023 is expected to bring a RECESSION. How big a recession we don't yet know... but, as Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan recently explained: Rising interest rates and inflation are draining consumers of their savings. The cash cushion consumers built up in being depleted.

And, indeed, recession signals are mounting:

Layoffs are increasing,
Home pricing are plunging,
The U.S. savings rate is deteriorating to pre 2020 levels.
Amid this challenging environment, companies and consumers are reducing their spending (as the Federal Government keeps printing!) and so..

there's just one thing that's clear; The purchasing power of your U.S. dollar is being eroded.

Amid this growing uncertainty, investors want safe havens. For many, gold in as an all-time favorite...(which is why so many experts believe gold prices will continue rising in 2023).

In this SPECIAL EPISODE of 'The Trish Regan Show' -- one that includes live questions and answers with the audience -- I sit down with my friend, Charles Thornberg, CEO and Founder of Legacy Precious Metals for an in-depth hour long conversation about the economic future of the U.S. and how savers might best prepare for these volatile times.

Charles and I take your questions and provide our respective insights into what we believe is about to happen (economically, globally, politically) in the year 2023.

Let's just say... the challenges we anticipate certainly highlight the importance of having a solid, safe, and diversified investment portfolio.

To learn how to invest in gold, I encourage you to call Legacy Precious Metals today at 1-866-589-0560. You can also download an investing guide (free for listeners of this program) HERE.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to secure your personal invite to my NEXT private conversation with economic experts -- make sure to sign up for my free newsletter on my website at:

It's a new year. It's time to take control of your financial future.

You can start now! Join Charles and me for a special conversation about investing, the Fed, the markets, our economy...

and....learn everything you ever wanted to know about gold.




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