November 6, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... Pray for your Enemies and against the Ravages of Nuclear War

2 years ago

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Pray for your Enemies and against the Ravages of Nuclear War

November 6, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear Heartdwellers, stay in prayer for the world because the situation is dire. When I came into prayer I asked the Lord... 'What is on Your heart?'

(Jesus) “Nuclear war is a holocaust, a very, very terrible thing. It damages both people and land and animals. Pray against this evil, pray against the severity of its consequences, and do not worry about anything, all is in My hands. I do not disappoint good wills, rather I protect and nurture. And I know how your heart is troubled Beloved, just trust Me.”

(Clare) And here He is talking about a situation that arose with a new access point to get into our land, and when we were totally legal and able to use it, they blocked it off with barbed wire today. This is troubling, I just do not want to have anything to do with rancor, I keep trying to bless these people and ask for God’s best for them.

(Jesus) “Evil men may triumph for a time, but justice is coming.”

(Clare) And here He is referring to the neighbors, some of them witches, with covens, cutting off access.

(Jesus) “I am of course more concerned in the salvation of their souls and your prayers for them gain weight when they oppress you without cause. If you can carry this cross without rancor, it will bring forth sweet fruit. Do not stress, I have a plan.”

(Clare) OK Lord, Your ways are always best.

(Jesus) “And for the other matter on your heart, keep praying, there is change coming. Your prayers do carry weight, keep that in mind when you are tempted to take any action. Prayer first, because it moves mountains. You trying to move the mountain is like a little child with a spoon trying to move the mountain out of the way. Then I come in with lasers and accomplish it quite easily. Trust the plan, Beloved.”

(Clare) OK Lord, I will, help me please.

(Jesus) “That is a given. This war is coming but oh what a cost to human beings, animals, and Earth. The Earth is already unstable on its axis, using such force will be catastrophic. Pray against it, My Bride. I love you. I am planting graces in such a way that they will be activated by the right heart attitude. Always love your enemies and have pity on them. You bearing with these obstacles in patience is releasing mammoth graces for the conversion of souls. Trust Me in this. They may win the skirmishes, but they will most assuredly lose the war, and some who are in their clutches will be released, much to their master’s chagrin.

“These moves they make against you are only causing more grace to abound to those who want to be set free from the covens. They are engineering their very own undoing, so let them oppress and watch the conversions begin to flow. I use all things to My benefit; of this you can be assured.”

(Clare) I know Lord, I have seen it so many times before.

(Jesus) “I tell you this because I want you to have peace, I Myself will handle this. Hold tight and love. Pray for them continuously and graces will flow, conversions will come. It is by your patient endurance that Satan is conquered. But more importantly, pray against the effects of this war, the nuclear effects.”

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