16Jan23 FAA's Feeble Lie About the Hack That Grounded ALL Flights Last Week

2 years ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

FAA's feeble lie denying the hack that grounded ALL flights last week. Here's how we know they're lying. 2:40

Study shows in-person schooling increases youth suicide 15:33

Another "benefit" of government schools — Satan Clubs 19:03

Actor complains he can't get villain roles because he's not white 24:12

Are middle-aged workers and those near retirement being driven out of the workforce by the intensified Maoist political correctness? 26:42

"Beetle Burgers" - the latest marketing ploy to get people to swallow the Davos agenda to shut down farms. 33:57

Half-baked Alaskan. FEMA hires a contractor to put out a disaster notice in Eskimo language. Hilarity ensues. Then AP accuses FEMA of "racism" 40:15

WATCH: our experience with "Engrish" and copyright violations in China. 46:59

George Santos is a perfect fit for congress. SEC now investigates Santos, as FEC investigates other issues. 54:41

Malarkey 3.0 — Biden’s new cache of classified documents. 1:03:19

MalarkeyGate: Dems Want Biden Out, GOP Wants Trump Out The security state is moving against BOTH Biden & Trump over something they had no problem with Hillary doing. Are these documents the ONLY thing GOP can think of to impeach Biden? Sadly, yes 1:10:18

ATF's "final rule" on pistol braces is an affront to the Constitution but typical of bureaucratic rule, Regulation Without Representation, that is how feds operate now. The "rule" and the ways it will be fought 1:43:40

How to fight the NFA and its unconstitutional rule about barrel lengths. 1:51:01

Awkward — Andrea Mitchell lectures MSNBC reporter about using term "pro-life" 2:09:32

Baby "chop shop" FOIA lawsuit. 2:14:14

Pentagon exploring back pay for troops kicked out of military over vaccine mandate. 2:41:17

1,040 days late, Dr. Leanna Wen, MD - one of the worst Covid authoritarians, pivots away the narrative about "cases" as she did before with masks and social distancing. 2:50:48

Even as "vaccine advisors" complain Pfizer/Moderna/FDA/CDC hid data, Rand Paul teams up with Cory Booker to stop animal testing. What testing? Do they care about babies sacrificed on the altar of animal testing to create humanized mice with their organs? 2:54:40

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