UNCLE INFO Account for Sensitive Documents Missing from Security Custodian Records of Who & When

2 years ago

Judge Wyld UNCLE INFO Discusses what the process of using a Filing Cabinet or Safe might entail to account for sensitive business or government information EVEN if a business already has fences, gates, locked street doors, and locked rooms. Is the lock on a door or safe a good one? Who opens the lock, shuts the lock, verifies each day that the lock is closed and the combination dial is spun? How do you know that Jim has a document that isn't back in the security departments vault? Seems simple for Trump and Biden and any security agency custodian who is tracking documents in government to know this information. Businesses should also know this meta data about their important physical documents and stored hard drives with sensitive files. Who has it, since when, is it still gone, and does our security department do purposeful audits? Is our check out procedure tight enough to be able to do an audit and know exactly what hasn't been returned?

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