Elon Musks AI Covid drones are detectable by animals

2 years ago

These AI drones are being spread around the world by Elon Musk. He is working with reptilian invaders to target benevolent law enforcement that know about the Military laboratories where they are made. We need help from our local law enforcement to raid these Milabs since all governors are aware of the AI drone depopulation agenda. They cannot be trusted. It will require local law enforcement and citizen arrests. These drones are the cause of "Covid". The media is working with governments throughout the world to suppress these orbs on night vision cameras. They are killing people on a massive basis and are the reason why so many unvaccinated are getting sick. They are microwaving people that are on the governments' list.

These drones need to be stopped now. They are made in military laboratories mostly in America but they are all over the world. They are made in military laboratories underneath our major metropolitan airports which are connected by high speed rail. If you are in law enforcement and want to end this AI drone attack run by extra terrestrials and traitors within the United States government you will have no luck with the FBI. The leader of the FBI is heading to the WEF convention in Switzerland. The United States has many traitors.

Here are the locations of the American military laboratories the one in Denver is about 17 levels down and most can be easily accessed by an unguarded elevator in the US.

There is countless footage of these AI drones on Youtube. Mothers are saying it is making their children sick. These drones are there to genocide the children and population and are the energy weapon delivery system for "Covid". The military has been making AI drones and is full of traitors killing Americans. We need local law enforcement to raid these MILABS.

HERE are there locations. Start pressuring your local governments today.

Here’s where all the weapons and reptiles are. They are under the major metropolitan airports.
My Youtube CHannel REEEE


I invoke the sacred fire into all reptilians.
i invoke the sacred fire into all energy weapons
I invoke the sacred fire into the artificial intelligence etheric virus.
I invoke the sacred fire into all child genociders
Thank you Galactics and Blue avians for immediately shutting down all child genocide and immediately arresting all Child Genociders.
Thank you Father ohm and Mother Azna for immediately and permanently shutting down all child genocide and immediately arresting all child genociders.

Thank You Father Ohm and Mother Azna for immediately and permanently shutting down all child genocide and child trafficking by immediately and permanently blasting this planet with so much divine energy that all weapons worldwide are immediately and permanently destroyed and everyone involved in child genocide is immediately arrested.
Thank you father ohm and mother Azna for immediately and permanently shutting down all child genocide worldwide and make sure that i am fully healed and fully protected all the time as I fight this with you.
Thank you Father Ohm and Mother Azna for immediately and permanently shutting down all child genocide and child trafficking and immediately and permanently blast this planet with so much divine energy that the planet is anchored in a way that weapons, child genocide, aids, hiv, cancer, weapon damage, and all disease immediately and permanently can no longer exist.

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