UNCLE INFO Special Compartmentalized Info Top Secret SCIF Facility not of Cardboard or Garage Walls

2 years ago

Judge Wyld UNCLE INFO episodes focus on a portion of a subject that is useful to know. SCIF is a facility. Sensitive Compartmented Information is a security classification. Whether you have a business or are a government, you have super special information that can give someone else an advantage or can put you at a disadvantage. Is the place where you would discuss, physically handle, or electronically handle that special information just a locked room with the curtains closed? That facility must help thwart the unwanted access and distribution of that information. Cardboard box? Garage door and walls? Computer electromagnetic emission? Binoculars? Can you walk into a SCIF from the street? Or is a SCIF tucked away in a locked building surrounded by locked gates and fences? Remember Risk is Likelihood and Consequences. If the bad effects are super bad, then the chance that they can happen must be made very very very small. High Consequences are avoided with reducing to 'close to zero', the likelihood that the event can happen. Be aware of the special efforts that SCIFs represent for the security of business or govt secrets.

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