A real random number generator to help test roulette systems .. A lesson for the non believers :0

2 years ago

From the page:
"I wrote the generator in Javascript, using the built-in Math.random() function. In most web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) Javascript uses an algorithm called Xorshift128+ to generate pseudo-random numbers. This is way more than adequate for testing betting systems.

Some people hear that computers don't generate “real” random numbers, they generate “pseudo-random numbers” (true), and therefore conclude that computers are inadequate for testing betting systems, and that their systems can beat the real world of a casino even if they can't beat the numbers generated by a computer (completely dead wrong). For almost all intents and purposes, the numbers generated by Xorshift128+ or any of the other modern algorithms are virtually indistinguishable from real random numbers. They pass batteries of statistical tests for randomness, including frequency distribution, gaps, and repetition (or lack thereof). The bottom line is, you can't tell the computer-generated output from the real thing, and there's no statistical difference between live results in a real casino and what you get from the generator."

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