Steffen Königer über Genderwahn Steffen Königer on gender madness

2 years ago

German MP Steffen Königer receives harsh criticism for having started his speeches with "ladies and gentlemen"... and for forgetting "the others" the "minorities" and not having considered the third sex.
So after the reviews here is his speech, see how the greetings went!!!! 😄
Woke is the name of this joke 🤡

Historical speeches on German TV, by MP Steffen Königer, an answer to the madness of genres
Brandenburg MP and AfD social policy spokesperson Steffen Königer attacked the debate on sexual diversity in a speech in the Potsdam state parliament on June 8, 2016. In a nearly three-minute speech, the The 43-year-old in fact only said that his group had rejected a motion from the Greens and the Left.

The greeting, however, had it all for leftist woke's pleasure

Königer began his speech with the words: “Dear Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear gays, dear lesbians. He then welcomed around 60 "sexual minorities" such as intersex and transsexual, androgyne and bi-gender in all the typical spellings of the scene. with (inter)asterisks or underscores. The video of Königer's appearance became an internet hit within hours, and it has now been viewed 150,000 times on AfD Brandenburg's Facebook page alone. The video currently has around 150,000 views on YouTube.

A day later, Königer reported to Junge Freiheit that he didn't have to search long for the many gender identities, but simply used the gender types used by Facebook. The success of his speech also surprised him. He added, "I could have read a hundred more genres, but it would have gotten boring."

Here you will find the corresponding press release of June 9, 2016 from the AfD parliamentary group in Brandenburg:
June 9, 2016

AfD parliamentary group rejects meaningless red-red-green action plan

The AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament of Brandenburg protests against the "Action plan for the acceptance of gender and gender diversity, for self-determination and against homophobia and transphobia in Brandenburg".

“We reject this exaggerated customer policy. You cannot achieve equality with ideology and you cannot reduce discrimination,” said sociopolitical spokesperson for the AfD parliamentary group, Steffen Königer.

During the debate in the state parliament, Königer listed 60 possible gender designations in his welcome speech. "I didn't want to offend anyone with that, I just wanted to convey the ideological madness of the red-red-green action plan," Königer points out.

"The reactions of some MPs from other parties, some of whom struggled to keep from laughing during my speech, show me that the list seems to have stimulated thought."

According to the applicants, the action plan put in place by the SPD, Die Linke and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen aims to "strengthen the legal and social equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (LSBTTIQ
) People” in Brandenburg.

Marcus Smith

Press officer
The original video is available here:

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