YOU TOO can make Focaccia in a home oven in 2 minutes and 57 seconds | Acquired Taste EP. 28

2 years ago

This simple focaccia recipe requires just 5 ingredients! Why buy inferior bread filled with preservatives at the supermarket when you can just make your own? a good question if ever there was one.

15g dry active yeast
320ml warm water
10g table salt
flaky salt
1tsp sugar
4tsp olive oil plus more for drizzling
600g strong/high grade/baker's flour

add the yeast to the water and add 1tsp sugar
allow to sit for 10 - 15 min before adding to flour and salt
you'll know its ready when it bubbles
mix to form a dough
knead for at least 15 min to develop a smooth but springy dough
allow to prove in the mixing bowl (greased) for 1 - 2 hours in a warm place
place the proved dough on the baking tray and flatten
allow to prove again for a further 30 - 45 min
top with flaky salt and olive oil
bake at 190C for 20 min or until brown and crispy

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