David Wood Answering Islam Series Parts 1-18

2 years ago

In this 18 part series David Wood of Act 17 Apologetics answers 18 important question on the subject of Islam to give one who doesn't know anything about the religion of Islam an idea of what Islam is, what Islam teaches, & what Muslims believe.

Part 1 Start Why should we learn about Islam
Part 2 5:07 Who Was Muhammad
Part 3 9:19 Was Muhammad a prophet
Part 4 15:04 Did Muhammad use religion for his own interests
Part 5 20:35 What are the basics of the Islamic worldview
Part 6 26:02 What are the main differences between Islam & Christianity
Part 7 31:44 Are there historical mistakes in the Quran
Part 8 36:47 Are there scientific mistakes in the Quran
Part 9 42:56 Is the Quran good for the 21st century
Part 10 47:55 How does the Quran view Women
Part 11 52:53 Where does the Bible call Jesus the Son Of God
Part 12 57:58 What does the Quran say about the Bible
Part 13 1:03:13 Has the Quran been perfectly preserved
Part 14 1:08:50 Is Islam the world's fastest growing religion
Part 15 1:14:10 Are there contradictions in the Quran
Part 16 1:19:37 Is Islam a religion of peace
Part 17 1:24:40 Is Christianity a religion of peace
Part 18 1:31:09 How can God die

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