my anti-govt hat is better than yours

1 year ago

"suffering" wtf is that
we gotta abide by the traffic laws some of the time
maybe i need to slow down they're just goin the speed limit
anytime someone is slowing down they're either turning or they have no idea where they are
i can admit when i'm wrong, k
i still like drugs cos they've made sense outta my experience
you can't think or feel too much
it's troublesome when you do sumin that they tell you to do
people on anti-depressants...
technology is changing our relationship with ourselves as well as other people
if it keeps you from being able to do natural things it's BAD
such a deep state of psychosis they're all in SAD!
and they're STILL gonna vote again
we're still gonna pretend that we dunno what we know
there's nothing else to say and yet here we go again
"contrails" hahahaha
laughing about it cos it's just too obvious at this point and i can't get mad about it anymore *well, i can but there's no point
the phones are everywhere and everything
God art in all places and fillest all things which is what technology is attempting and yet people still dunno that it's demonic sorcery
everyone signed up to shit on God unconsciously
i'm too discouraged to keep playing
hardcore anti-authority for as long as i've been alive
it's just a distraction, that's it
those straws tho, man...

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