2 years ago

real sex take 1
we love chappelle's show
the first time i realized everything was a lie
to my school mates: do you actually believe this shit?
my allegiance ain't to amerihahaha
they laugh at what's serious, call you delirious as they do
gotta just wait for Him to reveal Himself
stop expecting certain things to happen, don't put limits on Him
maybe it's better to be w/out
this "disability" has sculpted me
i don't forsake my "disease" and i don't regret not taking their shit advice
SHEER TENACITY, smarter than they wanted me to be
replacing us with our consent
plz allow me to circumvent, can't seem to do shit else
beating this dead ass horse
my voice is so hoarse had to quit smoking
i could smoke 5 packs back to back the way things are goin
my house already smells bad enough so pray for me that i don't pick it back up

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