Conscious Movie Nights △ Seeds of Vandana Documentary Screening: The Space Between & Earth Heroes TV

2 years ago

Conscious Movie Nights presents Seeds of Vandana Documentary Screening
An in-house event at The Space Between in collaboration with Earth Heroes TV.

Your hosts: Kalie Blavius, Aaron VanderAa & Shay Ryan Douglas.

Mastermind Segment: Our hosts open the floor to some of the public to contribute in a powerful mastermind.

Key Note Speaker: Vandana Shiva

This is more than just a movie night... This is an event that cultivates community, inspires new perspectives and opens the door to new ideas + concepts that will enhance your lifestyle.

This is a beautiful chance to connect, watch and celebrate the opportunity we have to be part of the change, in this rapidly evolving time. Please join us to consolidate our energy for the greater good of the health and wellbeing of our people and planet.

The Seeds of Vandana Documentary Description

Vandana Shiva, a world- renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the founder of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, Navdanya, and Bija Vidypeeth "Earth University" in Uttarakhand, India.

Learn more and get tickets here:

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