🚨TRE@$0N-"Uncovering The Unthinkable"

2 years ago

Deep diving with now retired combat medic/civil affairs veteran Patrick Riley who just happens to be the CEO of Reaper.Financial which is a successful layer 2 protocol on the XRP ledger. I'm just another guy whose been in this space a few years and has had enough like I'm sure most of you have as well. Like everyone else I'm tired off the insanity that plagues the global community of truth seekers and was blessed to sit down with someone who can give us an honest account of what happened from the perspective of someone who saw it all first hand. The time to stand up and be counted is now! My faith is solely in the grace of God Almighty, The Lord Jesus Christ, & The Holy Spirit and nothing else, the Bible gives us very specific details on how to live and what to expect during the times we are currently seeing. Unfortunately most of the 17 community has placed their hopes in the wrong things and that's the reason we are all so divided. Many are making money off of the vulnerable good folks who just want to believe in something but the fact is Only God Almighty is sovereign. here is the link to the whole intel drop from Patrick Riley.https://twitter.com/RealReaperCEO/status/1609002931390488577?s=20&t=5kWeoAAD3kjQSBuqcROhig

Relevant links to Patrick Riley & Reaper.Financial here
🌟Linktree - https://linktr.ee/TheReaperCoin
🌟Webpage - https://www.reaper.financial/
🌟Twitter - https://twitter.com/thereapercoin

You can catch me on Twitter @TokenomiXX and beneath is our telegram link

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