1 year ago

In 1887-8, along with his series of 40 patents for the A/C Polyphase System, Nikola Tesla patents the first DC Dynamo Electric Machines -- Homopolar Generators are used today to manufacture Green Hydrogen, Blue Hydrogen or Synthetic Fuels with Renewable Energy in systems called Alkaline Electrolyzers. The U.S. Department of Energy incorrectly gives credit to an O. Schmit in 1900 for the invention of first electrolyzers; and forgets to tell you that a Homopolar Generator is required for his invention. Nel Hydrogen has the most efficient Alkaline Electrolysers capable of producing 1 Newton Meter of Gas with just 3.8kWh of electricity; or about 19 cents; at 5 cents per kWh. December 13th 2011 Water Electrolysis with Inductive Voltage Pulses. A new type of power supply scheme based on inductive voltage pulse generator is designed for water electrolysis. In 1984 Ghoroghchian and Bockris designed a homopolar generator to drive an electrolyser on pulsed DC voltage. They concluded that the rate of hydrogen production would be nearly twice as much as the rate for DC.

January 14th 2023 Green Hydrogen — Morocco Makes Big Moves "its ‘high power’ alkaline electrolysers will enable the production of hydrogen at a lower cost,”

January 14th 2023 The Green Hydrogen Storage Is Going Underground

Nikola Tesla was interested in the Faraday disc and conducted work with homopolar generators,[3] and eventually patented an improved version of the device in U.S. Patent 406,968. Tesla's "Dynamo Electric Machine" patent describes an arrangement of two parallel discs with separate, parallel shafts, joined like pulleys by a metallic belt. Each disc had a field that was the opposite of the other, so that the flow of current was from the one shaft to the disc edge, across the belt to the other disc edge and to the second shaft. This would have greatly reduced the frictional losses caused by sliding contacts by allowing both electrical pickups to interface with the shafts of the two disks rather than at the shaft and a high-speed rim. Tesla's 2nd patent for a DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE – US 359748

Nikola Tesla's Patent US390414 for a Dynamo—Electric Machine in 1888 states that it is used for electric power generation, but also for "other uses". Citing patents for his Dynamo Electric Machine include a patent "Process for producing hydrogen and power supply apparatus on the basis thereof" stating "Current is provied by an electric motor - Faraday disk, or “unipolar dynamo” Nikola Tesla".

The Magical Inventions Of Nikola Tesla - E-book by Chris Edwards of (250 pages, 2500 sources + 10 important downloads on Nikola Tesla)

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