What's God Saying for 2023? Prophets Declare Hubs, House Churches, Glory Centers & More...

1 year ago

I have found that God prepares the way starting with the apostolic and prophetic gifts receiving revelation first. Far before others hear it. The apostolic gift begins to prepare motivated by love and informed by our Father's wisdom to "make way for the king." The prophets continue to pray, intercede and proclaim what our LORD said. They pioneer the way preparing for the move of God.

As the time get's close the frequency of words increases and also those prophets with a larger audience or reach begin to proclaim what others have heard. I submit to you, that indicates the timing.

I've heard recently a number of our ministers declaring more and more about hubs, house churches, Goshen, glory, the wealth transfer and much more.

Then just two days ago, John sends me a prophetic word from Elijah Streams by Nate Johnson about "2013 is Going to Reveal my Hotspots of My Glory. In Nate's word you will find so much of what we've been working on for years preparing the way.

​In this short video "Prophets Declare Hubs, House Churches, Glory Centers & More..., I'll unpack Nate's word and use it to highlight and encourage so many of our ministers who've heard very similar words. My friends, I submit to you, now is the time.


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