Added vacuum material – Solar-planet atm. refraction model, v. IOR index=0.8| DISPERSION= 0.000354

2 years ago

•PART 3: Cosmic vacuum added as scene World volume. Strange distortion of resultant shape (NOT color/chrominance), compared to previous renderings, appeared by this 3-hours (–»mainly unattended) rendering. A contrario // the rest practically identical as on former parts. I DON'T NOTICED „SCIENTISTS” TO CALCULATE THE ABS./EVEN REL. .... IOR OF INTERPLANETARY/COSMIC ON INTERNET.
•Sun to copernican earth diameters proportion abstracted. Sun color assumed ... yellow – despite moonlight light-transmission [POLISH–LANGUAGED VID. STILL], I think I change/correct this parameter in future releases. Sun are on left side of spectral scale ONLY at evenings & mornings time–border. This can be abstracted now. I checked it already by some v. cheap GRAY, from the chocolate, filter. Perceived sun was on blue–white spectral range, maybe caused by filter material uncleanness. If we want precise color of objects, we must analyse also general (but at high angles, due to specific red shift that also the sun EVERYDAY has but satanic scientists omit/don't respect) moon color, in order to make comprehensive final findings. NOTE: other stars' refraction/dispersion/shape/colors is ABSOLUTELY different in nature. Sun is exceptionally very „simple” star. PROVES THAT G-D HASHEM YHWH OSEH SHAMAYIM VA ARETZ. Stars in „deep” (AT FIRMAMENT) sky are dancing, changing colors, as biological LIFE FORMS, even SIMPLY ANGELS. Keep it simple.
•Ideal vacuum don't exists, but WHAT WTF is unideal? They're lying you.
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#luxcorerender #material #volumetric #vacuum #interplanetary #sun #space #cosmos #concaveearth #paradigm #theory #solarsystem #air #atmosphere #dispersion #effect #nodes #distortion #skycentrism #science #blendernation #cosmic #insidecosmos #inversion #wondersofnature #analysis #spirituality #refractive #index #study #examination #planetearth #scientific #realitytest #globe #layers #air #transmission #bidirectional #project #scene #blender #surface #methodology #model #modelling #simplification #keepitsimple #approach #sunlight #unification #cellular #universe #physics #optics #optical #geometry #geometric #proved #interesting #mysterious #mysteries #truemodeloftheworld

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