Smoke Rings What Are They, How Do You Perfect Them?

2 years ago

Welcome back to #BringTheSmoke, where we're all about getting that #SmokeRing just right! I'm Joe, and today we're talking about the #Science behind those little pink halos of #Flavor that make all the difference on your BBQ meat. Or as I like to call them, the #LittleHickies on your meat. Join us as we explore the #Barbecue world and learn how to take your #BBQ skills to the next level. From the movement of #Smoke around the meat, to the reaction of the smoke with the #Proteins and #AminoAcids present in the meat, we'll show you how the smoke ring is created and what factors can influence its size and depth. We'll also take a look at how the type of wood, cooking temperature, location and soil in which the wood was grown, and time of year when the tree was cut down can all play a role in producing the perfect smoke ring. So, if you want to impress your friends with your #BBQ skills.

If you're a fan of smoking, grilling, and BBQ, be sure to tune in and subscribe to my channel @bringthesmoke. I can't wait to share more delicious recipes and cooking adventures with you all. See you in the next video!

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