To Elon Musk

1 year ago

Dear Elon,
Below is the response I sent in response to the permanent suspension. You will note that case number etc. are on the screen when I post the twitter responses to me.

“@jordanbpeterson Maybe Trudeau should undergo electroshock.”
This was the comment that got me suspended. It was in response to Jordan Peterson saying he'll lose his license before he will submit to Mandatory classes on proper Canadian citizen behavior on the internet. That is what is known as re-education training! I said that to Peterson about the person that is behind all of the growing tyranny up there. Electro shock is a form of re education for people with issues. It was a sarcastic response to a stupid situation. I'm pretty certain the person that reported this wasn't Peterson. This is the first time I've bothered to challenge one of these. I just took the hit and removed the post before this. The last time something like this happened I figured out who had done it to me, he was antifa. I found some racist comments on his feed reported it and he never slowed down on posting. So, it clearly works different for me than it does someone like him. At that point I had decided that if it happened again, I'd just be done with it. It is more of a hassle than it is worth. I saw where Elons family had an antifa activist on their hood because of some people in this platform and their accounts were shutoff and then they were let back in. I worked in aerospace for 39.5 years and never got into any trouble even though there were numerous contentious situations I had to deal with. I never got into trouble, but in here, it is a hellscape ruled by babies. Babies that break the very rules they demand others live by. Those babies can reek havoc on others with no consequences whatsoever. They’re playing the victim. It is a pattern many of us ran into growing up, the trouble maker that started things and hid in mommy’s skirt for safety. But this behavior is designed to undo this platform. What can be done about that? I have no idea how you can deal with that. Good luck. So, at the end of the day as soon as this is resolved I'll be removing everything and moving on.

What I have above here is almost exactly what I sent in response to the permanent suspension.

This is what I was going to respond with:

Dear Twitter Commissariat,
I expected the rapid closure of this case. Thank you. Twitter will always be one of the smaller platforms and for these reasons. It is back to becoming a safe space. The world is not a safe space it never has been. I have run into many people in there that were extremely abusive and hostile. All I ever did except in the one case I cited was I blocked or muted them. The Twitter staff however has clearly decided that they will be protecting the delicate ears of the complainers who are far worse. The end result will be that the much feared by the leftists Conservative hellscape will never happen because it will revert back to the liberal hellscape it was. It will once again be populated not by people who fix things, but by people who want someone else to do it. The sad part is that they have the same tools everyone else does in there Mute and Block. The point there is that this isn’t really about safe spaces it is about the tyranny of the weak. It is a game and one with serious consequences. Do I blame Elon Musk for this? Not at all. He hasn’t gotten rid of all of the trouble makers in there yet. I’ve run into some of the same types of employees on other platforms commented to their owners, and although you never really hear back regarding what they did. The problems have been fixed because they quit happening.

If you want to fix this you need to change a few things. You have a culture of snitches in there that will gut your enterprise. There is a social credit score in there for getting into trouble. There however isn’t any penalty for being wrong in reporting people, and that wastes your time and assets. What I laid out above was a hunter killer pack. You have the person that is posting and two people distracting and harassing. This is something I’ve noticed around certain political people in twitter. The response is pretty quick too. Any investigation surrounding one of these reports should include what was the offensive post in response to, is the reporter a serial reporter or regularly overstating their case. There should probably be a social credit score for that too. You could probably get most of them to out themselves by having a poll asking if this should be done.

Thank you,
Richard Hawkins

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