VICE reporter acting as a snitch to Andrew Tate

1 year ago

VICE reported infiltrated Andrew Tate and participated in their MMA box fighting clinique only to hit them hard afterwards where it hurts. He clearly started his investigation with an intention to burn Tates. Is this fair play? No. Prosecutors almost always use snitches like this do dig a hole to a person and the method is wrong. Its not honorable, we are not like those criminals to play dirty. The reality is that those prosecutors use unethical methods to deceive the criminals, instead of just asking the help of society to get them. We need to also show that are ways are moral, correct, honest and fair play not to play like the criminals of the level of Andrew Tate.
Criminals use these prosecutors methods to confirm their doubts that: EVERYONE IS JUST LIKE THEM. Not everyone just the prosecutors sometimes that use some dirty methods to solidify their case. Tates cheat all the time but that is not a free card for the prosecutors and their detractors to cheat sometimes.

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