Ex-Vegan Caught in LIES?

2 years ago

Thread by Veganella: https://twitter.com/Veganella_/status/1611039679914323968

'Ex-vegan' Recovering Vegan claims that veganism destroyed her health. The issue is, it seems like she wasn't even vegan. And not in the meme way. In the way where she has multiple posts eating animal bodies and secretions, and has weird mismatches in her claims about when she was vegan. The issue unfolded on Twitter and she did a terrible job of disputing the claim that she wasn't vegan.

Outreach/debate playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAUWe-NFdDZcquNDWyFJhM7dlYiZxqBQX

Vegan memes playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAUWe-NFdDZcdzZuUOhqFnnz4HcUBpxPy

Connect with me further: https://direct.me/vegangaze

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