Popular INorganic Orchid Media Pros & Cons Discussion #ninjaorchids #livestream

2 years ago

#letstalk #bethevoice
STREAM STARTS: 0:07:00 UNLESS YOU WANT TO HAVE A LAUGH WHILE I STUMBLE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING IF I AM LIVE OR NOT! 😬😂 Bring your experience and opinion to 'The Table / Panel'! I will be hosting this live stream as a discussion over the pros and cons of the most popular inorganic orchid media that is being used by orchid growers! I would like to tap into as many orchid grower brains as possible for this subject of inorganic orchid media. I will be addressing climatic influences based on my experience, but your conditions in which you grow your orchids, is of interest and the information you provide will add to the content, helping many other orchid growers to consider their conditions and help to make changes. #leca #bark #rockwool #lavarock #pumice #sphagnummoss #seramis #akadama #orchids #media #cocohusk #masterclass
THE MASTERCLASSES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE0Vsyo7oBN4fbqZtLI4JU6cpaUOn9mc3

0:00:00 - Most Popular Inorganic Orchid Media Pros & Cons
0:07:00 - What is the difference between inert and pH neutral?
0:13:01 - What is perlite & sponge? What are the pros & cons of perlite & sponge rock with orchids?
0:22:52 - What is charcoal? What are the pros & cons of charcoal with orchids?
0:32:13 - What is pumice? What are the pros & cons of pumice with orchids?
0:47:47 - What is akadama? What are the pros & cons of akadama with orchids?
1:04:12 - What is seramis? What are the pros & cons of seamis with orchids?
1:09:59 - What is grit? What are the pros & cons of grit with orchids?
1:17: 54 - What is leca? What are the pros & cons of leca with orchids?
1:29:07 - What are river rock pebbles ? What are the pros & cons of river rock pebbles with orchids?
1:33:21 - What is lava rock? What are the pros & cons of perlite with orchids?
1:46:56 - What is scoria? What are the pros & cons of scoria with orchids?

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